How To Breastfeed During Covid-19?
August 14, 2020 | by Vaishnavi Vajha | Posted in Breasfeeding, COVID-19
Breastfeeding is a term used for feeding the infants and young children through mother’s breast. Nursing is another name for breast feeding. Breastfeeding should be done from the first hour of the life. This article tells you in detail about “breastfeeding during Covid19″.
Breast feeding should be done at least for six months and it is recommended by WHO. Every year 8.2 lakh children are dying because of lack of breastfeeding. Mothers are also benefited through breast feeding that include less blood loss after delivery, delays the return of mensuration, fertility. For newly born, by breastfeeding diabetes, respiratory disorders, asthma, food allergies are prevented. Breastfeeding decreases obesity risk in adulthood.
For the first two to three days milk is mainly composed of colostrum, a yellowish fluid which is Ig A rich and have a laxative effect. This effect helps the infant to pass stools from which excess bilirubin is excreted and through this jaundice is prevented. After three or four days mature milk is produced. If the baby continues breastfeeding, a type of milk called as Hind milk is produced ( it has more fat content).
Did you know?
Ig A attacks the germs and protects mucous membranes that cover throat, gastrointestinal regions which are mainly prone areas of germs attack.
What are the reasons for decreased breast milk supply?
- Ignoring your health
- Too much caffeine
- Smoking
- Taking certain medications
- Stress
- Not watching your diet
How to increasing breast milk supply?
- Baby should be nourished efficiently.
- Offering both sides at each feeding
- Giving only breast milk
- Breast feeding the baby every 1.5-2 hours in day and for every 3 hours at night.
- Switching sides during feeding comforts sucking.
- Pumping is helpful when the baby is not nursing. It remove more milk from the breasts.
- Taking care of the mother.
Breast Pumps
Breast Pumps used to collect milk from the breasts of the mother and immediately fed to the baby. They can also be stored in breast milk containers or bags for further use. There are different types of breast pumps available in the market and can use according to the mothers comfort.
Breast Feeding During Covid-19
There is no evidence that active covid-19 is transferred through breast feeding. But as prevention is better than cure, there are some precautions mothers should follow to keep mother and baby healthy. Those precautions include:
- Washing hands before breastfeeding or bottle feeding and also while touching your baby.
- If using breast pump, regularly clean its parts and wipe down surface of the pumps.
- Wear a mask if sick with corona virus or any illness symptoms.
- Avoiding gatherings and parties.
- Don’t go to crowdy places.
- Avoid calling visitors to your home.
- If you are giving donor milk, then only give from an official milk bank.
- Breastfeeding or Nursing is very important for both mother and baby.
- Antibodies present in the first three days of the milk called colostrum helps the baby to excrete excess bilirubin and prevent jaundice.
- Breastfeeding is recommended to the baby for six months by WHO.
- Maintaining healthy lifestyle helps to overcome decreased breast milk supply condition.
- Following proper nursing methods and taking care of the mothers can increase the production of mothers milk.
- Using Breast pumps to collect and remove the milk and feeding them immediately to the baby.
- Following precautions to avoid the active Covid-19 attack to the baby if the mother is effected.