Can Furfuryl Alcohol Cause Cancer?

Furfuryl alcohol is a compound used in various industrial processes, including the production of resins, adhesives, and as a flavoring agent in some foods. There have been studies evaluating the potential carcinogenicity of furfuryl alcohol, particularly in animal studies, that have suggested it may have carcinogenic properties.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which evaluates potential carcinogens, has classified furfuryl alcohol as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B). This classification is based on limited evidence in animals and inadequate evidence in humans regarding its carcinogenic potential.

Exposure to furfuryl alcohol primarily occurs in occupational settings, such as in industries involved in its production or use, and through certain food sources where it might be present in trace amounts.

It’s important to note that the classification by IARC does not imply that furfuryl alcohol definitively causes cancer in humans but suggests that there might be a potential risk based on available evidence, particularly in occupational settings with high exposure levels.

Regulatory agencies and health organizations, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), continue to evaluate the potential risks associated with furfuryl alcohol exposure and establish guidelines and limits for its use in various industries and food products to minimize potential health risks.

As with any potentially hazardous substance, minimizing exposure to furfuryl alcohol and following safety guidelines and regulations established by regulatory authorities can help reduce any associated risks. If there are specific concerns about exposure or potential health effects related to furfuryl alcohol, consulting with occupational health professionals or healthcare providers for personalized guidance is advisable.