Can Indigestion Cause Vertigo?

Indigestion itself typically does not directly cause vertigo. Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia or upset stomach, refers to discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen often associated with issues like bloating, gas, heartburn, or nausea, primarily related to problems in the digestive system.

Vertigo, on the other hand, is a sensation of spinning or dizziness, often accompanied by a feeling of imbalance or a spinning environment, as if the world around you is moving when it’s not.

However, in some cases, there might be a connection between indigestion and vertigo indirectly:

  • Vasovagal Response: Severe indigestion or discomfort in the stomach can sometimes trigger a vagal response. This response involves the vagus nerve, which plays a role in regulating various bodily functions. Activation of the vagus nerve might lead to changes in blood pressure and heart rate, potentially causing dizziness or lightheadedness that could be perceived as vertigo.
  • Inner Ear Disorders: Certain gastrointestinal conditions, like acid reflux or gastritis, may indirectly affect the inner ear or balance mechanisms, contributing to feelings of dizziness or imbalance, but this is not typical.
  • Anxiety or Stress: Indigestion can be exacerbated by stress or anxiety, and these psychological factors can also contribute to vertigo or feelings of dizziness in some individuals.

It’s important to note that vertigo can have various causes, including inner ear problems (like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo – BPPV), Meniere’s disease, vestibular migraines, and other neurological or systemic conditions. If someone experiences frequent or persistent vertigo, especially if it’s accompanied by other concerning symptoms or significantly impacts their daily life, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.