Do Benign Pancreatic Tumors Cause Symptoms?
October 12, 2023 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
Yes, benign pancreatic tumors can cause symptoms, although they may vary depending on the size, location, and type of the tumor. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach that produces digestive enzymes and hormones like insulin. Benign tumors in the pancreas can arise from different cell types within the organ.
Common benign pancreatic tumors include:
- Pancreatic Cysts:
- Often small and fluid-filled, pancreatic cysts may not cause symptoms unless they grow large or become infected.
- Serous Cystadenomas:
- Typically non-functional and asymptomatic, but larger ones can cause abdominal discomfort or pain.
- Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMN):
- These can cause symptoms if they block the pancreatic duct, leading to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or jaundice.
- Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms (SPN):
- Often found incidentally and may cause symptoms like abdominal discomfort or a palpable mass in the abdomen.
- Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs):
- While often slow-growing and asymptomatic, larger NETs can cause symptoms depending on hormone production, such as insulinoma causing low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
- Lymphangiomas:
- Benign tumors of the lymphatic system that can cause abdominal pain or discomfort.
Symptoms of benign pancreatic tumors may include:
- Abdominal pain or discomfort, particularly in the upper abdomen or back.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Loss of appetite and unintended weight loss.
- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) if the tumor obstructs the bile duct.
- Changes in bowel movements or stool color.
- Palpable mass in the abdomen.
It’s important to note that many benign pancreatic tumors are found incidentally during imaging studies for other conditions and may not cause noticeable symptoms. If you’re experiencing persistent or concerning symptoms, or if you’ve been diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management.