Does Constipation Cause Bleeding?

Constipation itself may not directly cause bleeding, but it can contribute to certain conditions or factors that can lead to rectal bleeding. Here’s how constipation and bleeding can be related:

  • Straining during bowel movements: When you are constipated, passing stool can be difficult and may require increased straining. This straining can put pressure on the blood vessels in the rectal area, potentially causing them to become irritated or swollen. Prolonged or excessive straining can result in small tears in the rectal or anal tissue, known as anal fissures, which may lead to bleeding.
  • Hemorrhoids: Chronic constipation can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels around the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids can be itchy and painful and are prone to bleeding, especially when irritated by hard stools and straining.
  • Hard, dry stools: Constipation often results in the passage of hard, dry, and compacted stools. These hard stools can be abrasive to the lining of the rectum and may cause minor abrasions, leading to blood in the stool.

It’s important to differentiate between mild bleeding from conditions like anal fissures or hemorrhoids, which are often related to constipation, and more severe or persistent bleeding from other medical conditions, such as colorectal polyps, diverticulosis, or colorectal cancer. If you experience rectal bleeding, especially if it is persistent, severe, or associated with other concerning symptoms like weight loss or changes in bowel habits, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. They can help diagnose the underlying cause of the bleeding and provide appropriate treatment and guidance.