Does Myopia Cause Headaches?

Yes, myopia, also known as nearsightedness, can be associated with headaches, particularly if the degree of nearsightedness is significant and corrective lenses are not worn or are outdated. Here are some reasons why myopia might lead to headaches:

  • Eye Strain: When individuals with myopia (nearsightedness) attempt to focus on objects at a distance, the eye muscles need to exert extra effort to bring those distant objects into clear focus. This prolonged effort can lead to eye strain, which may manifest as headaches.
  • Incorrect Prescription: Wearing outdated or incorrect eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions can contribute to eye strain and headaches. It’s essential to have regular eye exams to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date.
  • Asthenopia: Asthenopia is a term used to describe symptoms of eye discomfort, including headaches, eye strain, and fatigue. These symptoms can be associated with myopia, especially during activities that require sustained focus, such as reading or using a computer.
  • Digital Eye Strain: Spending prolonged periods of time looking at digital screens, especially without proper breaks, can exacerbate eye strain and contribute to headaches. This is a common concern in our modern, screen-oriented lifestyles.

If you are experiencing headaches associated with myopia or eye strain, it’s essential to consult with an eye care professional. They can assess your vision, update your prescription if necessary, and provide guidance on proper eye care practices, including taking breaks during prolonged periods of close-up work. Additionally, wearing corrective lenses or undergoing refractive procedures, such as LASIK, can help alleviate symptoms associated with myopia.