What are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

Cataracts are a common eye condition characterized by the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which affects vision. The symptoms of cataracts can vary in severity and may develop gradually over time. Common symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Blurry or Cloudy Vision: Blurred vision is one of the most common symptoms of cataracts. Initially, this blurriness may be mild and may not significantly affect daily activities. As the cataract progresses, vision can become increasingly cloudy.
  • Reduced Color Perception: Cataracts can cause a noticeable reduction in the vibrancy and brightness of colors. Colors may appear faded or yellowed.
  • Glare: Individuals with cataracts often report increased sensitivity to glare from bright lights, sunlight, and oncoming headlights when driving at night.
  • Difficulty Seeing at Night: Night vision can be particularly affected by cataracts. People with cataracts may have difficulty seeing in low-light conditions and may experience halos or starbursts around light sources.
  • Double Vision: Cataracts can cause double vision or multiple images in one or both eyes.
  • Frequent Changes in Eyeglass Prescription: Changes in vision may lead to the need for frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions.
  • Progressive Vision Deterioration: The symptoms of cataracts tend to worsen gradually, and individuals may notice a slow but steady decline in their vision over time.
  • Difficulty Reading or Performing Close-Up Tasks: Cataracts can make it challenging to read, see small print, or engage in activities that require clear near vision.
  • Increasingly Frequent Changes in Lighting: People with cataracts often find themselves needing more light for reading and other tasks.

It’s important to note that cataracts are typically associated with age and often develop slowly. They can affect one or both eyes. While cataracts are most common in older individuals, they can also develop at a younger age due to factors such as genetics, injury, or medical conditions like diabetes.

Cataracts can be detected through a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist. If cataracts are diagnosed and significantly impair vision, surgical removal of the cataract is a common and highly effective treatment. Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to restore clear vision. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgical procedures, with a high rate of improving visual acuity and overall quality of life for individuals with cataracts.