What are the Symptoms of Sinus Headache?
September 22, 2023 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
Sinus headaches are typically associated with sinusitis, which is inflammation or infection of the sinuses. The symptoms of a sinus headache can include:
- Pain and Pressure: A persistent, deep, throbbing pain and pressure around the forehead, eyes, and cheeks are common symptoms.
- Worsening Pain with Movement: Pain often worsens with head movements, bending over, or lying down.
- Facial Tenderness: The areas around the affected sinuses may be tender to touch.
- Nasal Congestion and Discharge: Blockage or congestion in the nasal passages, along with thick or discolored mucus, can occur.
- Difficulty Breathing Through the Nose: Due to nasal congestion, breathing through the nose may be challenging.
- Sore Throat and Postnasal Drip: Irritation or a scratchy feeling in the throat with mucus dripping down the back of the throat is possible.
- Coughing: A persistent cough may be present, especially when lying down or at night.
- Fatigue and Malaise: Feeling tired, run-down, or generally unwell is common.
- Toothache or Jaw Pain: Pain in the upper teeth or jaw can be felt due to the proximity of the sinuses to these areas.
- Reduced Sense of Smell and Taste: Sinus inflammation can impact your ability to smell and taste.
It’s important to note that while sinus headaches are a common assumption for facial pain and pressure, other conditions like migraines, tension headaches, or dental issues can also cause similar symptoms. If you suspect you have a sinus headache, especially if the symptoms are severe or prolonged, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. They can recommend appropriate treatments to alleviate the symptoms and address the underlying cause.