Why Does a Panic Attack Cause Chest Pain?

During a panic attack, the body experiences a surge of intense anxiety or fear, often accompanied by physical symptoms. Chest pain is a common symptom experienced during panic attacks, and several factors contribute to its occurrence:

  • Increased sympathetic nervous system activity: During a panic attack, the sympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the “fight or flight” response, becomes highly activated. This leads to the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine, which can cause various physical sensations, including chest pain.
  • Muscle tension: Anxiety and panic can lead to increased muscle tension throughout the body, including the muscles in the chest and ribcage. This muscle tension can result in chest discomfort or pain, often described as a tightness or pressure sensation.
  • Hyperventilation: Panic attacks often involve rapid or shallow breathing, known as hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can lead to changes in the body’s acid-base balance and cause respiratory alkalosis, characterized by decreased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. These physiological changes can trigger sensations of chest discomfort, tightness, or pain.
  • Sensitization of the body’s alarm system: Individuals who experience panic attacks may become hypersensitive to bodily sensations and interpret them as signs of impending danger. This heightened sensitivity can lead to increased awareness of normal bodily sensations, such as heart palpitations or minor chest discomfort, which may be misinterpreted as signs of a heart attack or other serious medical condition.
  • Hypersensitivity of nerve endings: During a panic attack, the body’s nervous system becomes highly sensitized, leading to heightened perception of pain or discomfort. This hypersensitivity can contribute to the experience of chest pain, even in the absence of significant physiological abnormalities.

It’s important to note that while chest pain during a panic attack can be distressing and mimic symptoms of a heart attack, it is generally not indicative of a serious cardiac problem. However, anyone experiencing chest pain, especially for the first time, should seek medical evaluation to rule out any underlying medical conditions and receive appropriate care and reassurance.