Ganglion Cyst- Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

A ganglion cyst is a benign tumor on a tendon, which is filled with fluid and cells. These tumors can be found in the hand, wrist, or fingers. They can also occur on other tendons, such as those found in the shoulder or foot. They usually occur when there is a tear in the tendon that separates two layers of tissue.

Ganglion cysts are not cancerous and typically do not cause any symptoms if they are small enough to fit within your joint capsule. If they grow larger, they may cause pain and swelling around your joint or cause other problems such as catching on clothing or jewelry and becoming painful to wear or remove.

Ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops in the wrist or the hand. It is usually benign and self-limited.

Ganglion cyst size is a very common question asked by patients, but it can be difficult to get an answer without seeing the patient. This article provides information about how to measure ganglion cyst size in order to determine whether or not it’s necessary to see a doctor.

A ganglion cyst, also known as a neoplasm of the sympathetic nerve sheath, is a fluid-filled sac that develops in the wrist or the hand. It is usually benign and self-limited.


Ganglion cysts are benign tumors that occur in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as trauma, infection, or congenital abnormalities.

Symptoms of Ganglion cyst size:

  • Pain that is most often felt in the arm or hand
  • Swelling and redness in the wrist
  • Tenderness at the site of the cyst
  • Sensitivity to touch or pressure on the top of your hand

Ganglion cyst location: These tumors are usually found on the wrist, hand, or forearm. They are also known as “swollen lymph nodes”. They can be felt as a lump and may cause pain in the area where they are located.

Ganglion cysts are a common type of benign tumor in the sacrococcygeal region. They usually occur in people who have a congenital predisposition to develop them. Symptoms of a Ganglion cyst include painless swelling of the sacrococcygeal region, which can lead to difficulty walking, sitting, and/or sleeping.

When should you see your doctor?

If you experience painless swelling in your sacrococcygeal region that interferes with your ability to walk, sit or sleep, it is important that you talk to your doctor about this problem.


Ganglion cysts are a type of benign tumor that can form in the tissue around a joint. They are most likely to occur in the wrist or elbow. Ganglion cysts often develop when too much pressure is put on the area where they form. For example, if you spend too much time playing your elbow, it can result in a cyst forming.

However, No one knows exact cause of a ganglion cyst to develop. It grows out of a joint or the lining of a tendon. It look like a tiny water balloon occur when the tissue that surrounds a joint or a tendon bulges out of its place. The cyst is a thick lubricating fluid similar to that found in joints or around tendons.

Risk Factors

The risk factors for developing a ganglion cyst include:

Age: The risk increases with age. It is seen mostly in people between 20-30 years.

Family history: Having one family member with one of these tumors increases your chances of developing one too.

Joints: People who have an injury at any joint may develop this condition later on in life as well as people who have had surgery on any joint.

Gender: Men are more likely to develop Ganglion cysts than women. But both can get affected equally.

Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing Ganglion cysts and osteoarthritis as well as other conditions related to smoking such as lung cancer, heart disease.

Osteoarthritis. People who have wear-and-tear arthritis in the joints closest to their fingernails are at higher risk of developing ganglion cysts.

They are most commonly found in the hand, wrist, and fingers. Osteoarthritis is a condition which causes pain and swelling of joints.

Ganglion cyst is a benign tumor that can be found on the head, neck, or arm. They are usually harmless and they don’t require any medical treatment. It is usually caused by trauma to the area where it appears and is often seen in children.

Diagnosis of ganglion cysts:

Ganglion cysts are diagnosed using a number of tests including:

  • Medical history
  • Family history
  • Physical examination
  • Ultrasound
  • X-rays

How do you make a ganglion cyst go away?

In many cases, ganglion cysts go away by themselves without any treatment. However, it is best to consult your doctor to make sure the lump is not a symptom of some other disease. If your ganglion cyst is painful, or if it interferes with your mobility or causes sensations of numbness or pins and needles, see your doctor. Treatment options include surgery or aspiration (draining the cyst with a needle).


Treatment of ganglion cysts can be done with two methods as follow:

  • Needle aspiration – It involves drawing off the fluid with a fine needle. In many cases (around 75 per cent), this treatment removes the cyst and no further action is needed.
  • Surgery – Here, the cysts are surgically removed. Ganglion cysts of the feet will usually require surgery.

Comparatively, surgery is the best way to prevent recurrence of ganglion cysts. Needle aspiration may cause recurrence in most cases. Ganglion cysts may return due to scar tissue from an invasive procedure such as cosmetic surgery or a surgical repair for another condition that has left residual scar tissue. Usually, depending on location of the cyst, recovery period may be varied, but commonly full recovery takes place about 2 to 8 weeks at any location.


Ganglion cyst is a benign tumor that forms on the sheaths of nerves, often near joints or where they branch off from other nerves. Ganglion cysts are painless and can be found anywhere within the body. The most common location is in the hand and wrist, but they can also be found in other areas such as the face, neck, foot, head, and thigh. Ganglion cysts have been known to cause symptoms such as tingling in hands or feet; numbness; burning sensation; aching; or weakness.