Vinegar: Types and Benefits

Vinegar is the oldest known fermentation product derived from French ‘Vinaigre‘ means sour wine. It contains about 5% of acetic acid in water, varying amounts of fixed fruit acids, colouring matter, salts and a few other fermentation products which impart a characteristic flavour and aroma to the product. Vinegar is according to the material used in its manufacture. For example, vinegar made from malt is called malt vinegar and so on.

The percentage of acetic acid present in the vinegar is represented in terms of grain strength. The percentage of a vinegar is ten times the percentage of acetic acid present in it. Vinegar is made from various fruits and also from sugar.

  • Vinegar made from apple juice by fermentation is called apple cider vinegar or cider vinegar.
  • Vinegar made from grapes by acetic acid fermentation is called wine vinegar or grape vinegar.
  • Fruit juices and sugar solutions of low concentration ferment of their own accord owing to wild yeasts normally present in fruits.

Quality Standards

Vinegar is a liquid derived from various materials, containing sugars and starch, by alcoholic and subsequent acetic fermentation.

  1. It should contain at least 4% acetic acid / 100 ml and a corresponding quantity of mineral salts of the material from which it is made.
  2. It should not contain arsenic in amounts exceeding 0.0143 mg/100 ml, nor any mineral acid, lead, copper or colouring matter except caramel.

Types Of Vinegar

Fruit Vinegar:

Grape (grape vinegar), orange, jamun, pineapple and apple (cider vinegar).

Potato Vinegar:

Starch is extracted from potato and hydrolysed by the diastase enzyme before fermentation.

Malt Vinegar:

Barley is commonly used for its preparation. The starch is saccharified by diastase before fermentation.

Molasses Vinegar:

Molasses are diluted to 16% total soluble solids, neutralized with citric acid and then fermented.

Honey Vinegar:

It is prepared from low grade honey.

Spirit Vinegar:

Produced by acute fermentation of dilute allyl alcohol. It is also known as grain distilled or white vinegar.

Advantages Of Vinegar

Cholesterol, blood pressure and apple cider vinegar. Other common uses for apple cider vinegar are to lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. Basically, studies have shown that apple cider vinegar reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol) due to its natural antioxidants. White vinegar may have significant health benefits due to its acetic acid content, including blood sugar control, weight management, reduced cholesterol and antimicrobial properties

  • High in acetic acid, with potent biological effects.
  • Can kill many types of harmful bacteria.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels and fights diabetes.
  • Helps you lose weight and reduces belly fat.
  • Lowers cholesterol and improves heart health.

Disadvantages Of Vinegar (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Delayed Stomach Emptying.
  • Digestive Side Effects.
  • Low Potassium Levels and Bone Loss.
  • Erosion of Tooth Enamel.
  • Throat Burns.
  • Skin Burns.
  • Drug Interactions