What Are The Types Of Protein Powder and When Is The Best Time To Take Protein?
May 24, 2021 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in Best time to take
Proteins are very important to our body along with carbohydrates. If we want to be healthy, active and for proper body functions we want sufficient amount of proteins. High protein diets typically include large quantities of protein and only a small amount of carbohydrate. Protein supplements are some of the most popular supplements in the world.
People use them for different reasons, which includes build muscle, weight gain, lose weight or to simply improve their overall health and wellness. The RDA for protein is about 0.8gms per kg body weight.
From recent times, many people are curious about the best time to take protein in their daily diet. Generally, the protein intake depends on your health goals. However, in this article we explains, types of protein powders and what is the best time to take protein in detailed.
Types of Protein Powders Found In Market
Protein is one of the top most essential nutrients and involve with many roles in the body. Protein is a source of energy. It helps to repair damaged tissue and build your body’s tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates in body functions. It is essential for growth and plays a role in preventing infection and also maintain proper pH and fluid balance. Protein is naturally rich in foods like eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, legumes, seeds and grains.
Protein is found naturally in some foods. Now a days, it is using as a dietary supplement, commonly known as protein powder. Mostly these powders are made from buffalo & cows milk, eggs, soya, peas, rice etc. Some of the most well-known protein powders are as follows:

1. Whey protein:
It is the mostly using protein powder, a dairy-based protein. It contains all the essential amino acids , so it is called a complete protein. It is easily absorbed and dissolved in water. This protein feels satiety for long time and helps to build muscle for body builders etc. There many other types of whey proteins, protein content depends upon the type of the protein. For example, whey protein isolate contains 23gms of protein whereas whey concentrate is made up with 18gms of protein per 100gms of whey.
2. Casein protein:
Casein is also a dairy based protein and contains all the essential amino acids. Casein protein is digested and absorbed more slowly than whey protein, this is why people mostly consume it before bed. It does not dissolve in water. This supplement can be used in muscle recovery at overnight. It can be useful when daily protein needs aren’t met in your daily diet. 1 scoop ( 1.16 ounce, 33gms) of casein contains about 28gms of protein.
3. Soy protein
Soy protein is a plant-based protein that contains all the essential amino acids. It is a very good supplement for vegans. It also contains some impressive health benefits. Soy is also low in fat and carbohydrates, but doesn’t dissolve easily in water. 1 ounce (28.4) of soy protein isolates contains about 28gms of protein.
4. Egg Protein
Egg protein is animal based protein, the primary protein in egg white is called ovalbumin. There is about 54% of the protein in egg albumen. It provides nourishment and binds digestive enzymes. 1 boiled egg (50 g) contains about 6gms of protein.
5. Pea protein:
Pea protein is a plant-based protein. It has low levels of the nonessential amino acids cysteine and methionine. 2 scoops (20 grams) of pea protein isolates contains 15gms of protein.
6. Rice protein:
Rice protein is a plant-based protein with low levels of the essential amino acid lysine. It is packed with antioxidants and rich in B-vitamins and fiber. like other protein powders, it can aid in weight loss and maintenance, and also help in reducing blood sugar.
How To Use Protein Powders:

Protein powders are taken to increase protein intake in ones life. These are very simple and easy to use, also considered to be a convenient food which is portable. Basing on your requirements, you can choose one of the protein powder. These protein powders are used for many purposes such as for weight loss, weight gain, muscle building etc. Firstly, you have to know why you are using these and what is the best time to reach your goals.
The consumption protein powders is very simple, firstly mix the powder with water or another liquid of your choice like milk. Mixing the powders in water aids in easy digestion and recovers quickly the necessary nutrients, it happens well when you take this after your work out (post work out). It also helps to repair the sore muscle or damaged tissue during workout. So the best time to take protein shakes is after your workout or exercise. It is recommended to take within 30 minutes of workout which is known as anabolic window.
What is the best time to take protein?

- If you want to build up muscle then take protein within two hours after working out.
- People who workout in a fasted state, they should surely take protein right after working out which also helps to sore muscle.
- To build muscle and increase strength you should take your protein before bed time, this also improve exercise performance and recovery. People who want to preserve their muscle mass may also helps taking protein before bed especially in elderly persons.
- If you consume protein at snacks between meals, it is ideal for fat loss. As protein feels full longer, it may help to control hunger. So that you can eat less calories later in the day.
- Body builders, athletes and people who undergo heavy workout should consume protein with a source of carbs may see improved performance and recovery when taken during and after exercise.
- Resistance athletes can benefit from taking protein either immediately before or after a workout.
High protein diets helps to reduce fat especially the belly fat. So, protein also aids in weight loss.
Taking protein supplements when you consume less protein at your daily diet, can help to increase intake of protein.
As protein in slow in digestion, it can keep you feel full longer without consuming more calories.
Sufficient protein build and preserve muscle and also improve exercise performance and recovery from sore muscles.
As mentioned above, time matters in the next level depending upon your needs and goals.
Consuming protein between meals as a snack may help control hunger and reduce calorie intake whole day.
By following above facts, you may be much closer to reach your goals and become healthy.
Enough Protein A Day Keeps You In Shape