Can Hydrocele Surgery Cause Infertility?

Hydrocele surgery, when performed correctly by an experienced surgeon, typically does not cause infertility. A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac around the testicle that can cause swelling in the scrotum. Surgery to treat a hydrocele involves draining the fluid and sometimes removing the sac.

The surgical procedure for a hydrocele generally focuses on draining the fluid and addressing the underlying cause of the condition, such as repairing a communication between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum (known as a patent processus vaginalis) or removing the hydrocele sac.

In most cases, hydrocele surgery is not associated with infertility. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, albeit uncommon, that might affect fertility or reproductive health. Some of these potential complications might include:

  • Injury to the spermatic cord or blood vessels in the scrotum during surgery (rare).
  • Infection following surgery, which might affect the testicles or reproductive organs if left untreated.
  • Rarely, the development of a condition called a spermatocele, which is a cyst that may form near the testicle and might affect sperm movement.

It’s important to discuss potential risks and complications of the surgery with the surgeon before the procedure. Generally, hydrocele surgery is considered a low-risk procedure, and most individuals recover without complications.

If there are concerns about fertility or reproductive health, or if an individual experiences persistent pain, swelling, or other unusual symptoms following hydrocele surgery, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and guidance. Overall, the risk of infertility due to hydrocele surgery is quite low, and the surgery itself is unlikely to cause infertility when performed appropriately.