How is Hepatitis c Caused?
September 5, 2023 | by Yashaswi Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It primarily affects the liver and can lead to both acute and chronic liver disease. Hepatitis C is typically transmitted through contact with infected blood. Here are the common ways hepatitis C is caused or spread:
- Injection Drug Use: Sharing needles, syringes, or other drug paraphernalia with an HCV-infected person is one of the most common ways hepatitis C is transmitted. This is because the virus can be present in the blood, and the sharing of contaminated equipment can transfer the virus from one person to another.
- Blood Transfusions and Organ Transplants (Before 1992): Before widespread blood screening for HCV was implemented in the early 1990s, people who received blood transfusions or organ transplants were at risk of contracting hepatitis C if the donated blood or organs were infected with the virus.
- Healthcare Settings: Although rare, hepatitis C can be transmitted in healthcare settings through improper sterilization or reuse of needles and medical equipment. Healthcare workers may also be at risk if they come into contact with HCV-infected blood.
- Mother-to-Child Transmission: Pregnant women with hepatitis C can transmit the virus to their infants during childbirth, although the risk of transmission is relatively low (around 4% to 6%).
- Unsafe Tattoo or Body Piercing Practices: Procedures that involve needles or equipment that have not been properly sterilized can potentially lead to the transmission of HCV if the equipment is contaminated with infected blood.
- High-Risk Sexual Behavior: While the risk is considered lower than for other sexually transmitted infections like HIV, hepatitis C can be transmitted through sexual contact, particularly in situations where there may be blood-to-blood contact, such as during rough or traumatic sexual activity. The risk is higher among individuals with multiple sexual partners, those with sexually transmitted infections, and men who have sex with men.
It’s important to note that casual contact, such as hugging, kissing, sharing eating utensils, or through respiratory droplets (like a cold or flu), does not transmit hepatitis C. Additionally, hepatitis C is not spread through food or water.
Hepatitis C can lead to both acute and chronic infections. Acute hepatitis C refers to a new infection, and in some cases, individuals can clear the virus spontaneously without treatment. However, many people develop chronic hepatitis C, which can lead to progressive liver damage, cirrhosis, and an increased risk of liver cancer. Early detection and medical management are crucial for preventing complications associated with chronic hepatitis C.
Preventive measures include practicing safe sex, avoiding sharing needles or drug paraphernalia, and ensuring proper sterilization of medical equipment. There is also an effective antiviral treatment for hepatitis C that can cure the infection in many cases. If you suspect you may have been exposed to hepatitis C or have risk factors for the infection, it’s important to seek medical evaluation and testing.