What are the Symptoms of Bone Cancer in Knee?

Bone cancer can occur in any bone in the body, including the knee. The symptoms of bone cancer in the knee can vary, but they often include:

  • Pain: Persistent and worsening pain in or around the knee joint is a common symptom. This pain may be constant and not improve with rest or over-the-counter pain medications.
  • Swelling: The knee may become swollen, and there may be a noticeable lump or mass in the affected area.
  • Stiffness: You may experience stiffness in the knee joint, making it difficult to move or bend the knee.
  • Weakness: Muscular weakness around the knee joint may develop, leading to difficulties in walking or performing daily activities.
  • Decreased Range of Motion: As the tumor grows, it can restrict the knee’s range of motion, causing limitations in movement.
  • Fractures: Bone cancer can weaken the bone, making it more susceptible to fractures. A pathological fracture (a fracture caused by a weakened bone) in the knee area can be an indicator of bone cancer.
  • Unexplained Weight Loss: Some individuals with bone cancer experience unexplained weight loss, which can be a sign of a more advanced stage of the disease.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other non-cancerous conditions, such as arthritis or injuries. However, if you experience persistent knee pain or any of these symptoms that do not improve with rest or standard treatments, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. Diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRI, CT scans, or biopsies, may be necessary to determine the cause of the symptoms and whether bone cancer is present. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential for better outcomes in cases of bone cancer.