What are the Symptoms of Fracture?
September 7, 2023 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
A fracture, also known as a broken bone, can occur due to various reasons such as trauma, falls, accidents, or stress on the bone. The symptoms of a fracture can vary depending on the type and location of the fracture. Here are common symptoms associated with a fracture:
- Pain:
- Intense pain at the site of the fracture is usually the first and most prominent symptom. The level of pain can vary depending on the severity and type of fracture.
- Swelling and Bruising:
- Swelling and bruising typically develop rapidly around the injured area due to bleeding and inflammation.
- The affected area may appear discolored, often with shades of red, blue, purple, or black.
- Deformity or Misalignment:
- In some fractures, especially if it’s a severe break, there may be an obvious deformity or abnormal alignment of the bone.
- The affected limb or area may appear misshapen or bent in an unnatural way.
- Tenderness to Touch:
- The area around the fracture is tender and sensitive to touch. Even gentle pressure can cause pain and discomfort.
- Limited Range of Motion:
- The ability to move the affected area is often reduced or completely restricted, depending on the severity of the fracture.
- Movement may cause sharp pain and can be accompanied by a grating or grinding sensation.
- Difficulty or Inability to Bear Weight:
- Fractures in weight-bearing bones, like the femur or tibia, may make it difficult or impossible to bear weight on the injured limb.
- Walking or putting pressure on the fractured area can cause severe pain.
- Open Wound or Skin Breakage:
- In some cases, a fracture may cause the bone to break through the skin, resulting in an open wound or visible bone fragments.
- This is known as an open or compound fracture and requires immediate medical attention to prevent infection.
- Numbness or Tingling:
- Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the area below the fracture site may occur, indicating potential nerve damage.
- Crepitus:
- Crepitus is a crackling or grating sound that can be felt or heard when the broken bone ends rub against each other.
- Shock:
- Severe fractures can lead to shock, characterized by pale skin, rapid breathing, a weak pulse, and altered mental state. This is a medical emergency.
If you suspect a fracture, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Proper diagnosis and treatment, often including X-rays or other imaging studies, are necessary to determine the extent and type of fracture and to develop an appropriate treatment plan, which may involve immobilization, reduction, casting, surgery, or other medical interventions.