What are the Symptoms of Pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis, commonly known as a sore throat, is the inflammation of the pharynx—the back part of the throat. The symptoms of pharyngitis can vary in severity and may include:

  1. Sore Throat:
    • Pain, irritation, or discomfort in the throat, especially when swallowing.
  2. Difficulty Swallowing:
    • Pain or discomfort while swallowing, which can range from mild to severe.
  3. Dry or Scratchy Throat:
    • Feeling of dryness or scratchiness in the throat.
  4. Throat Redness and Swelling:
    • Redness and swelling of the back of the throat (tonsils and pharyngeal tissues).
  5. Hoarseness or Changes in Voice:
    • Changes in the pitch or tone of the voice, hoarseness, or a rough voice.
  6. Swollen Glands (Lymph Nodes):
    • Enlarged and tender lymph nodes in the neck.
  7. Fever:
    • Mild to moderate fever, which may accompany the sore throat.
  8. Cough:
    • Dry or productive cough, depending on the cause of pharyngitis.
  9. Fatigue:
    • Feeling tired or lacking energy.
  10. Nasal Congestion or Runny Nose:
    • Associated symptoms of a common cold, such as nasal congestion or a runny or stuffy nose.
  11. Sneezing:
    • Occasional sneezing or irritation of the nasal passages.
  12. Postnasal Drip:
    • Excess mucus dripping down the back of the throat, leading to throat clearing or irritation.
  13. Headache:
    • Mild to moderate headaches may occur.
  14. Body Aches:
    • Mild body aches or muscle soreness.
  15. White Patches or Streaks:
    • White patches, streaks, or pus on the tonsils, especially if the cause is bacterial (e.g., strep throat).

Pharyngitis is often caused by viral or bacterial infections, such as the common cold, flu, or strep throat. It can also be triggered by irritants like smoke, pollutants, or allergies. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Viral pharyngitis usually resolves on its own with rest, fluids, and symptomatic relief, while bacterial pharyngitis may require antibiotics. If you experience severe symptoms, have a high fever, or if the sore throat persists for more than a few days, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.