What Causes Fingernail Fungus?

Fingernail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is primarily caused by fungal infections. The most common culprits are dermatophytes, a type of fungi that thrives in warm and moist environments. The factors contributing to the development of fingernail fungus include:

  • Damp and Warm Conditions: Fungi, particularly dermatophytes, thrive in warm and humid environments. Prolonged exposure to such conditions, such as wet shoes or sweaty socks, can increase the risk of nail fungus.
  • Nail Injuries: Minor injuries to the nails, such as small cuts or bruising, can create entry points for fungi, making it easier for them to infect the nail bed.
  • Poor Nail Hygiene: Inadequate nail care, including not keeping the nails clean and trimmed, can contribute to the development of nail fungus.
  • Compromised Immune System: Individuals with weakened immune systems, due to conditions like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or certain medications, may be more susceptible to fungal infections, including nail fungus.
  • Age: Aging can lead to changes in nail structure, reduced blood circulation, and a decreased ability to fight off infections, making older individuals more prone to nail fungus.
  • Footwear and Nail Salons: Wearing tight or non-breathable shoes can create an environment conducive to fungal growth. Additionally, using contaminated tools or improper hygiene practices in nail salons can contribute to the spread of nail fungus.
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease: Poor blood circulation in the extremities, as seen in conditions like peripheral vascular disease, can increase the risk of nail fungus.
  • Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis): Fungal infections like athlete’s foot can spread to the nails, leading to onychomycosis.
  • Family History: There may be a genetic predisposition to fungal infections, making some individuals more susceptible to nail fungus if it runs in their family.
  • Exposure to Contaminated Surfaces: Walking barefoot in communal areas like locker rooms, swimming pools, or public showers where fungi may thrive can expose individuals to the risk of nail fungus.

If you suspect you have a nail fungus, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment options may include topical or oral antifungal medications, medicated nail polish, or, in severe cases, surgical intervention to remove the affected nail. Additionally, practicing good nail hygiene, keeping the feet dry, and avoiding shared personal items can help prevent the development and recurrence of nail fungus.