What Causes High TSH?

High TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) levels usually indicate an underactive thyroid, a condition known as hypothyroidism. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, primarily T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). When the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of these hormones, the pituitary gland increases TSH production to try to stimulate the thyroid.

Common causes of high TSH levels include:

  • Primary Hypothyroidism: This is the most common cause and occurs when the thyroid gland itself is not producing enough thyroid hormones. The most prevalent cause of primary hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, where the immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the thyroid tissue.
  • Iodine Deficiency: Iodine is crucial for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. A lack of iodine in the diet can lead to an underactive thyroid and increased TSH levels.
  • Thyroid Surgery or Radioactive Iodine Treatment: If the thyroid gland is surgically removed or treated with radioactive iodine to address hyperthyroidism, it may result in hypothyroidism and elevated TSH levels.
  • Certain Medications: Some medications, such as lithium, amiodarone, interferon-alpha, and certain anti-thyroid medications, can interfere with thyroid function and lead to hypothyroidism.
  • Pituitary or Hypothalamic Dysfunction: In rare cases, high TSH levels can be caused by dysfunction in the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. These glands play a crucial role in regulating thyroid function.

If you suspect you have high TSH levels or hypothyroidism, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, and constipation. A blood test measuring TSH, as well as thyroid hormones T4 and T3, will help diagnose the condition and determine its underlying cause. Treatment typically involves hormone replacement therapy with synthetic thyroid hormones to restore normal thyroid function.