What Causes Warts on Hands?
September 13, 2023 | by Yashaswi Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
Warts on the hands, also known as common warts or verrucae vulgaris, are caused by a viral infection. The primary culprit responsible for most hand warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a family of viruses that can infect the skin and mucous membranes, leading to the development of warts. Here’s how warts on the hands develop:
- Viral Transmission: Warts are contagious, and they can be transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or indirectly through contaminated objects or surfaces. You can also spread the virus to other parts of your own body (autoinoculation) by touching a wart and then touching another area of your skin.
- Microabrasions: HPV typically enters the body through tiny cuts, scratches, or breaks in the skin. This can happen when the skin on your hands is damaged or weakened due to factors such as dry skin, minor injuries, or frequent exposure to moisture.
- Viral Replication: Once the virus enters the skin, it infects the skin cells and begins to replicate. This can lead to the formation of a wart over time.
- Immune Response: The body’s immune system may attempt to combat the viral infection and, in some cases, can clear the virus on its own. However, in many instances, the immune system does not eliminate the virus completely, allowing the wart to persist.
Warts on the hands typically appear as small, rough, raised growths with a grainy or cauliflower-like texture. They can vary in size and may occur as a single wart or in clusters. While they are generally harmless and not painful, they can be bothersome or cosmetically undesirable.
Treatment options for hand warts include over-the-counter topical treatments, cryotherapy (freezing the wart), laser therapy, electrocautery, and prescription medications. In some cases, warts may resolve on their own without treatment, although this can take several months to years.
It’s important to avoid picking, scratching, or trying to remove warts on your own, as this can lead to the spread of the virus and potential complications. If you have concerns about hand warts or if they are causing discomfort or interfering with daily activities, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Additionally, practicing good hand hygiene can help prevent the spread of warts to others and other areas of your body.