What is a Scalloped Tongue a Symptom of?
October 3, 2023 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
A scalloped tongue, also known as a crenated or piecrust tongue, is a descriptive term for a tongue that has indentations or scalloped edges around its borders. This condition is usually a benign and harmless physical manifestation of an underlying issue rather than a specific disease on its own. It can be associated with various conditions and habits, including:
- Bruxism (Teeth Grinding):
- Persistent clenching or grinding of the teeth during sleep can cause the tongue to press against the teeth, resulting in scalloped edges.
- Malocclusion (Misaligned Bite):
- Irregular alignment of the teeth can lead to the tongue pressing against the teeth, causing scalloping.
- Tongue Thrust Swallowing:
- Tongue thrust is a swallowing pattern where the tongue pushes against the teeth during swallowing, potentially causing scalloping.
- Enlarged Tonsils or Adenoids:
- Enlarged tonsils or adenoids can cause the tongue to rest against them, leading to scalloping.
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder:
- Dysfunction or pain in the temporomandibular joint can lead to bruxism, contributing to a scalloped tongue.
- Sleep Apnea:
- Individuals with sleep apnea may experience tongue scalloping due to repeated tongue pressure against the teeth during sleep.
- Geographic Tongue (Benign Migratory Glossitis):
- Geographic tongue is a benign condition characterized by irregular and smooth patches on the tongue’s surface, often accompanied by scalloped edges.
- Oral Habits:
- Certain oral habits like pressing the tongue against the teeth or chewing on the sides of the tongue can contribute to scalloping.
- Chronic Mouth Breathing:
- Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose can cause the tongue to rest against the teeth, leading to a scalloped appearance.
It’s important to note that while a scalloped tongue is typically benign, if you notice sudden or significant changes in the appearance of your tongue or if it’s accompanied by other concerning symptoms (e.g., pain, difficulty swallowing), it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a dentist for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. They can help determine the cause and recommend appropriate management or treatment if needed.