Curd: Nutrition and Health Benefits

Curd is a dairy product. It is a by-product of cheese production. Curds are the solid part of milk which has been transformed by lactic acid bacteria. Curd is eaten as a savory dish, or as sweet dessert curds. The curdling process produces clotted cream and buttermilk. No Indian meals is end up without a cup of curd. It is one of the therapeutic food.

Unless your doctor suggested not to take curd in your diet, you can happily enjoy a cup of curd in your every meal.

Curds are a dairy product that is obtained by souring milk. Curds are usually made with low fat or skimmed milk, but can also be made from whole milk. They have been used for centuries in many cultures and cuisines around the world and have found their way into most of the Indian subcontinent’s cuisines as well as in many parts of Europe and Central Asia.

The curds provide calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

How to make curd?

Curd is a type of dairy product that is made from milk and contains a high amount of acid. It is obtained by the process of coagulation. The word curdle derives from the Latin word for “to become sour”.

Curd is made by mixing a starter of curd or yogurt with warm milk and allowed to ferment for some hours. After the fermentation process is completed, the consistency of the liquid milk gradually transforms to a thick pudding like texture.

Due to the bacterial fermentation the final product also has a tangy taste. The bacteria are called Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, and Streptococcus salivarius, the bacteria are found in the human mouth and intestines, which is why they are used to make yogurt.

Curd can be made from any type of milk but is usually made with cow’s milk because it has the best flavor and contains more protein.

Curds are often used in desserts, such as Indian desserts like lassi or kulfi. They can also be used as a topping for ice cream or added to dishes like pasta and pizza.

The bacteria are called Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, and Streptococcus salivarius, the bacteria are found in the human mouth and intestines, which is why they are used to make yogurt.

Nutritional Facts

100g of curd contains following nutrient values:

  • Calories: 60
  • Protein: 3.1g
  • Carbs: 3g
  • Fat: 4g
  • Calcium: 149mg
  • Phosphorus: 93mg
  • Iron: 0.2mg
  • Vitamin C: 1mg

Health Benefits

Curd is a dairy product that is made by adding rennet to milk. Curd is mostly eaten as a dessert, but it can also be used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes.

Curd has many benefits:

  1. It contains high levels of calcium, which is good for bone development.
  2. It provides an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates which are essential for healthy living.
  3. It’s high in vitamin A and D, which aids in the absorption of calcium and supports the immune system.
  4. It helps with digestion because it contains probiotics that are beneficial for gut health and immunity.

Curd as probiotic:

Curd, also known as yogurt, is a fermented dairy product that has been consumed for centuries. It is typically made by adding water and milk to the bacterial cultures of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

The bacteria in curd is thought to provide probiotic properties. This means that it can help the body maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut.

Probiotics are live microorganisms which are good for the gut. They have a positive effect on the health of the host, and can help to improve the immune system. Probiotics are also known as good bacteria or friendly bacteria.

Builds immunity

Curd is a food product made from milk, and it builds immunity.

A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that curd helps to build immunity in the body. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.

The researchers found that curd contains peptides which help to build immunity in the body. These peptides are called alpha-defensins and beta-defensins. They are also present in other dairy products such as cheese, curd or yogurt.

Reduce diarrhoea

Curd has been shown to reduce diarrhoea risk by up to 40%. Curd containing probiotics are natural laxatives which is a boon to human. So, when curd is combined with rice and eaten by a diarrhoea patient, it reduce the frequency of motions and symptoms such as cramping, bloating, abdominal pain etc.

Rich in protein

Curd protein is a type of milk protein that has a very high concentration of casein. It is also known as “casein” or “whey milk protein”.

The curd content can be used for various purposes. The most common use of curd content is as an ingredient in dishes such as channa masala, paneer, and quark. Curd content can also be used to make cheese and yogurt.

Curd protein has been considered to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation. It can help with weight loss, digestive health, and bone health among other things.

Good for heart

Curd is a good source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. Curd can be used in many different ways. It can be eaten as a spread on bread or toast, added to sauces, curries and dips or made into desserts like kulfi or kheer.

The heart is an important organ for the circulation of blood around the body. It pumps blood from the heart to all parts of the body through arteries and returns it to the heart through veins. The pumping action of the heart is done by contractions of the walls of a large muscle called myocardium. The valves in these vessels prevent backflow from one side to another during each contraction.

Strengthens bones

Curd strengthens bones. It is a good source of calcium and phosphorus. Curd also contains vitamin D, which is essential for bone health.

It is a good idea to include curd in your diet if you want to strengthen your bones. 1 cup(200g) curd contains 300 mg calcium.

Curd is also rich in phosphorus which maintain healthy bones. It is very best idea to take 1 glass of buttermilk or chaas everyday.

Helps in weight loss

Curd helps in weight loss by reducing the fat content in the body. It also has high protein and calcium content.

Curd is a dairy product obtained by curdling milk with an acidic substance such as lemon juice, vinegar or rennet. Curd is high in protein and calcium content which helps in weight loss by reducing the fat content in the body.


Curd is a type of dairy product that is made from milk and contains a high amount of acid. It is obtained by the process of coagulation. Curd protein has been considered to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation. It can help with weight loss, digestive health, and bone health among other things.