6 Hydrating Drinks
June 4, 2020 | by Sravani Pathakamuri | Posted in Nutrition Facts
Being summer, we have to take more hydrating drinks as we need lots of water to live healthy. The most common problem in summer for all age group is dehydration. Dehydration occur due to loss of water from the body. We all know that water is the important component that is filled all over the body. So, to keep our body hydrated all the time we have to drink some hydrating juices. Lets know about some hydrating drinks and their preparations.
1. Lemon Juice
Lemon water is the first idea we get when we are dehydrated. It is really a great idea as lemon is rich in water content and also contain many useful nutrients like vitamin C. You can have this lemon juice everyday by adding 1 lemon and pinch of salt and mixing with water. You can also add sugar or honey. But in summer salt is very helpful as it is also a hydrating food. You should also control your calories along with these drinks.
2. Chia Seeds Water
Chia seeds contain many health benefits. Chia seeds increase their moisture content by 10 times when soaked in water. Add some chia seeds into the water and soak them until they absorb water. You can drink chia water all over the day. If you want you can also add lemon and honey in it. It is a well known hydrating drink.
3. Coconut Water
Coconut water is a very refreshing drink which helps as summer re-hydrating drink. The juice is composed with simple sugar, electrolytes, minerals. Coconut water carries a good amount of electrolytepotassium and sodium.These minerals helps in diarrhea because presence of water loss.
4. Ginger Lemon Water
Ginger contains anti inflammatory function. Take 1 lemon, 1 tsp ginger and 5 -6 mint leaves, salt and honey. Grind the ginger and mint leaves coarsely. Take a glass and add lemon juice, water and this ginger paste and salt and honey. Mix all these ingredients finely. You can also add some ice cubes. Here, if you don’t like ginger mint paste to swallow, press the paste and add juice of it into the lemon water. Ginger lemon water is ready to serve.
5. Watermelon Mint Juice
We all know that watermelon is filled with 80% of water. It is a best hydrating fruit. To enhance more taste and flavour, we are going to add mint leaves into the watermelon. Lets know the process for watermelon mint juice.
Take 1 cup of watermelon, 1 tsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp sugar, 7-10 mint leaves and 1/2 cup of cold water into blender and make into a smooth juice. Then sieve the juice. Take a glass and add 2 ice cubes along with lemon pieces and few mint leaves, then add the watermelon juice into the same glass. Your hydrating drink is ready with more nutrients.
6. Jeera Pani
We all know that jeera is very helpful for digestion. Once think how the tamarind and jeera combination tastes like. From childhood, we all eat tamarind and jeera sticks even once in the life. Now, we are making a drink with the same combination. It defeinetly tastes awsome and also nutritious.
Take 2 tbsp of tamarind and soak it in some water for sometime. After that squeeze the water from tamarind. Then add tamarind water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1/2 spoon black salt, 1 tbsp of cumin powder, 5 chopped mint leaves and 1 cup of cold water into the bowl. Mix all the ingredients well and serve it with ice cubes into your favorite glass.