Apricot-Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts

Apricot is a fruit of several species in the genus Prunus. Usually, an apricot tree is from the species Apricot, (Prunus armeniaca), stone fruit of the family Rosaceae, closely related to peaches, almonds, plums, and cherries. And is also known as Armenian plums.

Apricots can be taken as fresh or as dried, nutrients may vary. But this fruit is a decent source of beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It is diet friendly.

In this article you are going to know about the health benefits and nutritional facts of apricots.

Did You Know??

It is best to eat whole apricot and unpeeled, as the skin boasts large amounts of fiber and nutrients. This Low calorie, high fiber fruit helps in yours weight loss diet.


They are extremely nutritious and have many health benefits.

  • Strengthens bones
  • Maintains eye and skin health
  • Protects liver
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Heart health
  • Promotes gut health

Apricots are loaded with antioxidants that help fight free radicals in your body. Apricots are packed with Vitamin A, which is also known as retinol. It is fat soluble and helps in the enhancement of vision and eye-related disorder called Neovascular ARMD – an age related macular degeneration that causes loss of vision over the years. It keeps the immune system in check, protecting your skin in the process.

Apricots contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, but they are particularly high in soluble fiber, which is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Fiber delays the movement of food through your digestive tract and feeds your beneficial gut bacteria. A healthier gut microbiome is linked to a lower risk of obesity.

Did You Know??

Any plant food source contains iron, has non-heme iron, this type of iron takes its time to be absorbed by the body, chances in preventing anemia. But it has to be taken with the combination of vitamin C, so the iron is absorbed by the body.

Nutritional Facts

Apricots are very low in calories and fat, but rich in fiber, potassium and antioxidants.

NutrientsAmount per 100 g (fresh apricot)
Energy53 kcal
Carbohydrates11.6 g
Protein1 g
Fat0.3 g
Fiber1 g
Calcium20 mg
Phosphorus25 mg
Iron2.2 mg
Potassium430 mg
Vitamin C6 mg
Folate (vitamin B9)2160 mcg
Vitamin A360 mcg

It is said that 100 grams of fresh apricots contains 12% of vitamin C, 12% of vitamin A, and 6% of potassium required by the body, all this under less than 50 calories. Apricots are a good source of vitamin A and are high in natural-sugar content. Dried apricots are an excellent source of iron.