Low Fiber (residue) And High Fiber Diets

The term “Fiber” and “Residue” are used interchangeably with respect to the diet, as diets rich in fiber give rise to accumulation of large amounts of undigested residue in the large intestines, while diets low in fiber leave only small amounts of residue in the large intestines. The term “Fiber” includes cellulose, hemicellulose, pentosans etc. They are present in large amounts in bran of cereal grains, the husk of pulses and mature vegetables.

Low Fiber Diets

These are recommended for patients suffering from gastro-intestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diarrhoea and dysentery. The composition of low residue diets is given:

Low Fiber (residue) Diet For Adults (g/caput/day)

Calories-2400 kcal; Proteins: 60-70 g

Milled cereals and cereal products350350
Meat and fish_40
Tender vegetables5050
Tender green leafy vegetables5050
Fleshy fruits100100
Fruit juice200200
Fats and oils5050
Sugar and jaggery5050

High Fiber Diets

High residue diets are rich in fiber and recommended for patients suffering from constipation. Such diets leave large amounts of undigested bulk in the intestinal tract which helps to relive constipation. Recent studies have shown that high fiber diets retard the absorption of cholesterol and decrease its level in blood. The composition of high fiber diet is given:

High Fiber (residue) For Adults (g/caput/day)

Calories-2400 kcal; Proteins– 60-70 g

Whole cereals350350
Whole legumes8080
Green leafy vegetables100100
Other vegetables200200
Roots and tubers100100
Oils and fats5050
Sugar and jaggery5050