What Causes High Blood Pressure After Giving Birth?
August 21, 2023 | by Yashaswi Pathakamuri | Posted in FAQ's
High blood pressure that develops after giving birth is known as postpartum hypertension. This condition can occur due to various factors related to pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. Here are some common causes of high blood pressure after giving birth:
- Preeclampsia: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition characterized by high blood pressure and signs of organ damage, usually involving the liver and kidneys. It can develop during pregnancy or in the postpartum period. If preeclampsia was present during pregnancy, it can sometimes persist or worsen after childbirth.
- HELLP Syndrome: This is a severe form of preeclampsia that involves Hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells), Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count. It can lead to postpartum high blood pressure and other complications.
- Gestational Hypertension: Some women develop high blood pressure without proteinuria (protein in the urine) during pregnancy. This condition might persist or develop after childbirth.
- Preexisting Hypertension: Women who had hypertension before becoming pregnant might experience fluctuations in blood pressure after giving birth.
- Medications: Certain medications used during labor or after childbirth, such as oxytocin (used to induce labor) and certain pain medications, can sometimes contribute to changes in blood pressure.
- Stress and Anxiety: The physical and emotional stress of childbirth and caring for a newborn can sometimes lead to temporary increases in blood pressure.
- Fluid Retention: Fluid retention during pregnancy and after childbirth can contribute to changes in blood pressure.
- Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations that occur after childbirth can influence blood pressure regulation.
- Infection or Inflammation: Infections or inflammation can affect blood vessel function and lead to changes in blood pressure.
- Obesity: If a woman is overweight or obese, it can increase the risk of postpartum high blood pressure.
It’s important to monitor blood pressure after giving birth, as untreated high blood pressure can lead to serious complications such as stroke, heart attack, or organ damage. Healthcare providers typically monitor blood pressure during the postpartum period and can provide appropriate treatment if high blood pressure is detected. Treatment might include medications to lower blood pressure, lifestyle modifications, and close monitoring of symptoms. If you experience severe headaches, visual disturbances, shortness of breath, chest pain, or any other concerning symptoms after giving birth, seek medical attention promptly.