Can a Dead Tooth Cause Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

Yes, a dead tooth can potentially contribute to bad breath. When a tooth dies, it means that the nerve and blood supply to the tooth have been compromised, often due to infection or trauma. This can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and debris inside the tooth, resulting in decay and the release of foul-smelling gases. Additionally, dead teeth are more susceptible to bacterial infection, which can further exacerbate bad breath.

Moreover, if the dead tooth is not treated promptly, the infection can spread to surrounding tissues, including the gums and bone, leading to more severe oral health problems and persistent bad breath.

If you suspect you have a dead tooth or are experiencing persistent bad breath, it’s essential to see a dentist for evaluation and appropriate treatment. Treatment options may include root canal therapy to remove the dead tissue and restore the tooth’s health or extraction if the tooth cannot be saved. Proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, is crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing bad breath.

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