Nutritional Facts of Butter

Butter is a dairy product that is made by churning butter milk and separating the butterfat from the buttermilk. It is a solid at room temperature and melts to a liquid when heated. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in baking. Butter has been used for thousands of years, but it became popular in the 19th century with the invention of butter churning machines.

The most common type of butter is made from cow’s milk. Butter can also be made from the milk of other mammals, including sheep and goats.

Butter is an ingredient in many foods, such as bread, cookies and pastries. Butter also has important roles in the production of some types of cheese, like Brie and Roquefort, where it is often mixed with milk to make cheese curds.

Butter can be used to make sauces, as a spread for toast, or used in baking. It can also be mixed with other foods such as mashed potatoes or vegetables.

Decades ago, butter was found to be linked to a high level of saturated fat in the blood. Despite the increased acceptance of butter as a healthy food in moderation, some experts have recommended limiting its use.

This article tells you everything you need to know about the nutritional facts of butter.

What is Butter?

Butter is a dairy product made from churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. Butter can also be made from the milk of other animals, including sheep, goats, buffalo and yaks. In some areas, people have traditionally eaten butter made from animal milk as opposed to cow’s milk.

The main types of butter are salted and unsalted but there are many variations in the production process that give different tastes and textures to the final product. Butter may be sold with added flavorings such as herbs, spices, cheese, or honey.


Butter is a dairy product with high fat content. It can be used to make all kinds of food such as cookies, cakes, and more. Butter is also used to make sauces and dressings. Butter has been around for centuries and it can be found in most cultures around the world.

Butter is not just a dairy product. It also has different nutritional benefits.

  • Butter has high fat content which provides nine calories per gram.
  • One teaspoon of butter contains 12 grams of fat and zero cholesterol.
  • Butter is made from milk that comes from cows which are fed on grass or hay rather than grains which have been genetically modified.
  • When butter is heated, it breaks down into water and milk solids that are then recombined into new compounds and fats that the body can use.
  • Butter composition includes saturated fats and unsaturated fats.
  • Milk solids are made up of proteins, minerals, vitamins, and sugars.
  • More than half of the fat in butter is saturated.
  • Butter has no carbohydrate content.
  • Butter can help you to satisfy your appetite because it has a lot of calories and the protein content will help you feel full for longer.

Nutritional Facts of Butter

Butter is a dairy product that is made from cream which has been churned to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. Butter is composed of about 80% butterfat, and contains proteins, salt, and milk.

Butter provides many nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and minerals like calcium and magnesium.

The nutrition facts for 1 tablespoon (14 grams) of salted butter and unsalted butter are:

NutrientsSalted Butter (14 g)unsalted Butter (14g)
Calories102 kcal102 kcal
Magnesium0.001 mg0.001 mg
Phosphorus3.41 mg3.41 mg
Zinc0.01 mg0.01 mg
Selenium0.14 mcg0.14 mcg
Vitamin A97.13 mcg97.13 mcg
Folate0.43 mcg0.43 mcg
Vitamin D0.00 mcg0.00 mcg
Vitamin E0.33 mg0.33 mg
Vitamin K1.0 mcg1.0 mcg
The above table gives the nutrient information about salted and unsalted butter (14g)


Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient that provides energy for the body and brain. Carbohydrates are found in dairy products.

Butter has many benefits, but it is not a good source for carbohydrates. It contains only 0% carbs and it has more than 40% fat content which is not good for us because it can lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease.

Butter is lower in carbs than most other foods, making it a good choice for those following a low-carb diet, low-glycemic food.


Protein is an important macronutrient that helps build and maintain muscle, bone, cartilage, skin, and blood. The benefits of protein in butter helps with muscle development and repair. A single serving of butter contains virtually zero protein.

Butter contains only trace amounts of protein, so it cannot be considered as an adequate source of this macronutrient.


Butter is a dairy product that is made from cream and milk. It has a high content of fat and it can be used in cooking to add flavor, texture and richness to the dish.

Butter is an excellent source of fat. It contains a lot of fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6 which are essential for our body. Butter contains about 80% milk fat, which makes it an excellent source of energy for the body.

Butter is a great way to get those essential fats into your diet without having to take supplements or eat other foods that contain these fatty acids in them.

The fat in butter is composed of saturated and unsaturated types. The saturated fats in butter are mainly palmitic, stearic, and myristic acids with a small amount of lauric acid. The unsaturated fats in butter are mainly oleic and linoleic acids. The polyunsaturated fats in butter are mainly alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid.

Vitamins and Minerals

Butter also contains vitamins A and D, which are essential for growth and development of bones, teeth, skin and other tissues. Butter is also rich in protein and calcium.

The benefits of vitamins in butter include:

Butter has a lot of benefits that help the body stay healthy. It contains minerals such as:

These minerals can be found in other food products as well but butter provides more than the recommended daily intake for most people.

These nutrients are important for the growth and development of children, adolescents and adults. Butter also contains minerals which are necessary for the proper functioning of our body’s cells, tissues and organs.

Health Benefits of Butter

Butter has been deemed as a healthier alternative to other sources of fat, such as oil or margarine. Butter is made up of primarily saturated fat and cholesterol, which have both been found to be beneficial in small quantities.

Butter is known to have many health benefits such as:

  • Brain function and development
  • Regulating blood sugar levels
  • Important for body’s metabolism
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Improves heart health
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Boosts immune system


Butter is a dairy product that is made from cream. It is a solid at room temperature and melts to a liquid when heated.

Butter is a product that is made from animal fats or vegetable oils. It is a solid food which is usually yellow, white or brown in color. Butter has been used for cooking purposes for centuries and it can be used in the production of many other food items.

While butter is mainly composed of fat, it also contains many nutrients of note including vitamins A, E, D and K2 Butter has a large number of calories, but the health benefits it provides are still worth mentioning.

Despite the high level of fat, some studies suggest the opposite and even states that it is healthy and an integral part of any diet.

Eating butter in moderation is good for you, while eating too much could lead to health issues.