Why Does Testicular Cancer Cause Back Pain?

Back Pain

Testicular cancer typically doesn’t directly cause back pain. However, in some cases, the spread of testicular cancer (metastasis) can lead to back pain if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs.

  • Lymph Node Involvement: Testicular cancer can spread to lymph nodes in the abdomen and pelvis. Enlarged lymph nodes in these areas can put pressure on surrounding structures, including nerves and blood vessels, which may cause back pain.
  • Metastasis to Bones: In more advanced cases, testicular cancer can metastasize to distant organs, such as the bones. Metastatic lesions in the spine or other bones can cause back pain. This pain may be localized to the site of the metastasis or may radiate to other areas of the back.
  • Compression Fractures: Rarely, testicular cancer that has spread to the bones can weaken them, leading to compression fractures in the spine. These fractures can cause sudden, severe back pain.

It’s important to note that back pain is a common symptom that can have many causes unrelated to testicular cancer. Most cases of back pain are not due to cancer. However, if you have persistent or worsening back pain, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as testicular swelling, pain, or lumps, it’s important to see a healthcare provider for evaluation. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer can improve outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

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