7 Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd and It’s Nutritional Values

Ridge gourd or Luffa is an elongated, cylindrical fruit pod in the cucurbitaceae/gourd family of vegetables. Ridge gourd or sponge gourd is popularly known as ‘Jhinga’ in Bangladesh. Scientific name Of Ridge Gourd: Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. It is a ridged and dark green vegetable with white pulp inside. The taste of the vegetable resembles zucchinis. It exhibits a spongy flesh with white pulp and seeds.

Ridge gourd, also known as “tindora” or “tindli” in Hindi language, is a vegetable grown in Southern and Eastern India. It can be consumed raw by cutting it into pieces and dipping in salt water or cooked by boiling with curry leaves and tamarind. Ridge gourds are a rich source of iron, vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber.

The ridge gourd has a long green stem that can grow up to 12 feet in length. The leaves form a thick circle around the stem and are arranged in a spiral pattern. The flowers are yellow with five petals and an orange-red crown at the center of each flower. The ridge gourd is different from other gourds because it does not have ridges on its shell, nor does it produce edible fruits. It is also more cold-hardy than other gourds.

This article tells in detail about Ridge gourd contains health benefits and nutritional values.

Nutritional Values of Ridge Gourd

Ridge gourd is a type of squash that is used in many cultures across the world. It has been used as a food source for centuries.

Ridge gourds are rich in calcium, magnesium and zinc. They are also low in calories and contains 94% moisture. It provides essential nutrients like vitamin A, C, B6 and folate. Ridge gourds are also rich in antioxidants, which help to prevent diseases like cancer. It is also an excellent source of dietary fiber and carbohydrates.

Nutritional Values of Ridge Gourd per 100g:

NutrientsAmount per 100 g
Calories13.15 kcal
Carbohydrates1.72 g
Protein0.91 g
Fat0.14 g
Calcium13.7 mg
Phosphorous33.06 mg
Omega-3 fats26.42 mg
Sodium4.71 mg
Potassium118 mg
Folate (vitamin-B9)29.26 mcg
Vitamin-C5.42 mg
Beta carotene348 mcg
Vitamin-A58 mcg
Magnesium16.15 mg

It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories that aids in weight loss. It is high in beta-carotene which is good for enhancing eye sight. Being rich in dietary fibers and smooth flesh, luffa facilitates easy digestion and easy movement of food through the bowel.

Health Benefits

Ridge gourd is a type of vegetable which is used in Indian cuisine. It has many health benefits and can be consumed in various ways. This vegetable can be consumed in various ways, such as raw, boiled or fried. The ridge gourd has many health benefits including aiding digestion and keeping the skin healthy.

The ridge gourd is a good source of folate which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. It can also help to lower the risk of diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

Ridge gourd contains good amount of cellulose and high in water content that helps to relieve from constipation. Both cultivars (ridged and smooth varieties) compose phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein and crypto-xanthins.

The ridge gourd has many health benefits including:

1.Weight Loss

Ridge gourd contains carbohydrates and dietary fiber which are essential for weight loss and inherently. The ridge gourd contains an enzyme called cellulase which breaks down the cellulose and makes it easier to digest. This helps in weight loss as well as reducing fat content in the body.

It possesses negligible concentrations of saturated fats and cholesterol. This, in turn, helps to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food bang on upon ingestion and also turn away the excess accumulation of fats in body tissues.

Ridge Gourd also helps in preventing constipation, indigestion, heartburn and other digestive disorders by increasing the production of digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase and protease.

It is also rich in Vitamins C, A and B6 which are essential for weight loss by boosting metabolism rates, promoting faster fat burning, and detoxifying the body.

2. Enhances Eye Sight

Ridge gourd is a very beneficial for the eyes. It improves eye sight, reduces eye strain and also provides protection against cataracts and macular degeneration. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help with eye irritations such as conjunctivitis.

It has been scientifically proven that ridge gourd is good for the eyes. The antioxidants present in this fruit help in improving vision and also protect against cataracts. Being a valuable antioxidant, beta carotene rids the optic nerves and visual blood vessels of toxins, thereby shielding the eyes from harmful free radicals.

Ridge gourds are rich in vitamin A which helps in reducing eye strain by providing much needed relief from dryness, irritation of the eyes, night blindness, floaters, etc. The significant amounts of vitamin A in ridge gourd, in the form of beta carotene, contribute to improving eyesight even at an older age.

3. Liver health

The ridge gourd has many health benefits for the liver, as well as other organs of the body. It helps in purifying blood and also removes toxins from the body through urine.

Ridge gourd is bestowed with the ability to purify blood of toxic wastes, alcohol residues and undigested food particles. Hence it plays a crucial part in augmenting liver health and bile function. Bile is a fluid secretion of the liver, which helps break down lipids or fats. It boosts up and nourishes the liver health and protects the liver from alcohol intoxication.

The benefits of ridge gourd for liver health are:

  • Improves liver function
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Prevents liver diseases
  • Protects the liver from damage by free radicals

4. Relieves Constipation

Ridge gourd has been used as a remedy for constipation for centuries in India and other countries. It works as an effective laxative because of its high fiber content which helps to soften stools. Constipation is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It is characterized by the infrequent or difficult passage of stools.

The health benefits of ridge gourd for constipation are:

  • It has high water content which helps in easy bowel movements
  • It contains inulin which can help aid digestion

5. Skin Health

Ridge gourd is a type of vegetable that has many health benefits for skin health. Ridge gourd has blood purifying qualities and it is skin friendly. It makes sure you to stay clear from pimples and acne. 

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it needs to be taken care of properly to maintain its health. The ridge gourd contains essential nutrients like vitamin C, folate, potassium and magnesium that are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Ridge gourd has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. It also helps to hydrate the skin and prevent it from becoming dry and flaky.

6. Controls Diabetes

Ridge Gourd is a vegetable that has a number of health benefits. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is today being researched for its potential to help people with diabetes.

Ridge Gourd is an excellent source of dietary fiber and is also rich in many other nutrients. It has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

It helps in lowering blood sugar levels and regulating insulin production. Ridge gourd is a low-calorie food which can be consumed by diabetics without any worry. It is hypoglycemic, which helps maintain the blood sugar levels. Hence, ridge gourd is an ideal vegetable for controlling diabetes.

Moreover, insulin like peptides and alkaloids in ridge gourd help control blood sugar levels, hence maintaining body weight and metabolism in diabetes.

7. Heart health

The ridge gourd has been found to be a good source of antioxidants which are essential for maintaining a healthy heart by fighting free radicals that can damage cells. Ridge gourd is rich in potassium and magnesium which are essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Ridge Gourd helps to maintain heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, preventing heart attacks and strokes, reducing the risk of diabetes, etc.

8. Other

  • Ridge gourd helps to manage acidity as well as ulcers.
  • Reduces sugar in blood and urine
  • prevents chronic diseases like cancer
  • It is also used for treating kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
  • It acts as a cooling agent and aids in handling burning sensation during urination.
  • Ridge gourd juice is used to heal jaundice
  • Strengthen your immune system against any infection
  • It also effectively treats other infections arising in the hepatic duct.

Further, it is also an average sources of B-complex vitamins such as thiamine, niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.


The ridge gourd is a plant that grows in the tropics and subtropics. The ridge gourd has been consumed since time immemorial. It is a vine that has leaves that are shaped like wings.

Ridge gourd is a vegetable that has many health benefits for the liver. It is rich in fiber, which helps in keeping cholesterol levels under control and preventing heart disease. Ridge gourd also contains magnesium, which helps to relax blood vessels and maintain blood pressure levels.

It is a great source of antioxidants and can be eaten raw, dried or cooked. The benefits of the ridge gourd are not limited to this but it also helps with liver health, diabetes and even cancer treatment.


Can we eat raw ridge gourd?

Ridge gourd is a type of squash that is often used in Indian cuisine. You can eat ridge gourd raw, but you need to wash it thoroughly before eating it. They can be eaten raw and are usually boiled, steamed or fried.

Does ridge gourd cause gas?

Ridge gourd helps to improve digestion and prevents constipation as it contains high amounts of soluble fiber. It can also be used as a natural remedy for intestinal problems such as gas, bloating, and stomach pain. However, there are no studies on the effects of ridge gourd consumption on people with digestive problems such as gas or bloating.

Is ridge gourd good for fatty liver?

Ridge gourd has many health benefits including being good for fatty liver. It can be used to treat fatty liver because it contains potassium, which helps with the elimination of excess fluid and fat.

Is ridge gourd the same as okra?

The ridge gourd is not the same as okra, but it does belong to the same family. Ridge gourds are often mistaken for okras because they look similar and both belong to the same vine family. But there are some key differences between them which make them two different vegetables:

  • Okra has spikes all over its exterior, while ridge gourds don’t have spikes at all.
  • Okra has a thick skin while ridge gourds have thin skin.
  • Ridge gourds can be eaten raw, while okras can’t be eaten raw because they contain oxalic acid which causes pain